Common Errors with Adjectives ending in -ING and -ED

Correct Forms Common Errors
No food! Very few people! Terrible music! This party is very boring. No food! Very few people! Terrible music! This party is very bored.
No food! Very few people! Terrible music! I am bored. No food! Very few people! Terrible music! I am boring.
When the adjective ends in -ing, it means that the person or thing causes this particular effect.
  • Rules frustrate me. Rules are frustrating.
  • Snakes terrify me. They are such terrifying creatures.
When the adjective ends in -ed, it means that the person or thing experiences this particular effect.
  • Rules frustrate me. I am frustrated when I have to learn them.
  • Snakes terrify me. I'm always terrified when I see one.
Preposition Alert
Surely everybody is interested in computers? Everybody is interested by computers?
Alert: There are no clear rules regarding what prepositions follow the adjectives ending in -ed. Learn by using them. Look at the following examples:
  • I am not satisfied with my grades. I must study more.
  • I am bored with this quiz. I want to switch off the computer.
  • I am irritated by his strange habits.

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