ESL BLUE(s)   Troubleshooting there is / there are    

Here are some of the most common errors using there is / there are, preceded by their correct form:

Correct FormCommon Errors
There is a problem with the motor. He has a problem with the motor.
There has a problem with the motor.
Have a problem with the motor.
How many students are there in your English class? How many students is there in your English class?
 The word students is plural, so you must use the plural form of the verb 'to be': are.
 How many students there are in your English class?
 To form questions invert the order:
there are     >  are there.
In my neighborhood there is an outdoor swimming pool and two parks. In my neighborhood there are an outdoor swimming pool and two parks.
 If the first noun in the list of things is singular, use there is.

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